Anyone drink coconut water during pregnancy

I'm week 19. Acid reflux n bloated stomach. Google and say can drink coconut water to ease acid reflux. Anyone try? But I heard oldies say coconut water is cooling too so safe for drinking? And is it good to drink at last tri so easy give birth?

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No problem if drink in moderation. I drank coconut water once a week since week 15 or so because of the reflux. Not a huge serving, bit by bit. Then third trimester onwards drink more often for a "cleaner" baby during delivery. Baby is 4.5 months old now, no problems at all! :) good luck for your pregnancy!

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4y ago

But once a week is very little. Because I acid reflux everyday. Haha. Maybe a small cup alternate day n see how.. cos feel very uncomfortable.. I rather drink this than take gaviscon.

VIP Member

Have been taking fresh tender coconut water right from 1st trimester, once or twice a week. It helps with nausea & acid reflux and also helps keep you well hydrated, apart from many other benefits.

My wife drank at 3rd trimester. For reflux, you may want to avoid caffeine, chocolate, spicy food, yeast, fried food etc. Observe which type of food trigger your reflux. Have light meals too.

4y ago

I already avoid what u mention. And every meal have to think twice whether I can eat or not.

VIP Member

You can drink coconut water anytime. It is a nutritious and refreshing drink. It does not necessarily makes labour easier or makes the baby clean though.

4y ago

Ya I drink once and feel so refresh. Of course is a small packet I bot. So I will drink moderately. Ya what baby come out clean r myth only...

I drank 2x week at first tri. We dont have all those restrictions. Just make sure you eat healthy and no raw food. At least for me.

If you have reflux everyday then it’s the food that u eat that u have to consider and also ur intake pattern

I heard that drink coconut when ard 5-6months. Need those fresh one . Is to make baby skin nicer.

drank mostly during 3rd trimester.. drank occasionally during 1st and 2nd trimester

VIP Member

yes it is better to have coconut drink during 3rd trimester (: which is what I had

VIP Member

Drink moderately is ok. Can share a serving with your hubby so its not too much.

4y ago

Yes I'm doing that. I believe in moderation.