I'm a stay at home Mom (SAHM). Wanna ask all husbands here .. what is your expectations of your Wife if she is a SAHM n both of u have two kids. Do u expect her to take on all housework , cook all meals ? When u come home from work that she ought to continue to do all the work including settling the kids to bed , supervise older child of his work .. ? Then when u wanna be intimate with her n she was still busy settling housework that u grumble u have the lowest priority in her heart ? I wanna hear from the point of view of husbands

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There was a time when a ‘family’ was defined as the stay at home mom, the working dad. A time when a woman had one responsibility. To take care of her family and make sure that her husband felt like a king. To look good, cook well, clean to perfection, and take on the burdens of raising those perfectly coiffed, well behaved children. Blame it on women’s lib or that women got sick of making sure that the husband was first and she was last, but times have definitely changed. Moms are raising kids on their own, holding down higher powered careers than their husbands, and demanding the respect they deserve. I do respect SAHM and here are my expectations. 1. Relatively clean, fed, well-adjusted kids. The real goal of staying home with your children is to provide them a first-class upbringing. So it makes sense to expect at least some results in the child rearing department. 2. At least some attempt to get cleaned and dressed. My thought is this: if I have to shave everyday (and I HATE shaving), you can at least comb your hair and put on something that wouldn't double for painting clothes. 3. An attempt to stay up on the laundry, dishes and general maintenance of the household.

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