Just my 2 cents.
Im pregnant before i was mentally n physically prepared . Im in my first trimester now n the morning sickness is getting worsen. Everyday i think of suicidal thought. Do not listen to others if you are not prepared to have a baby. Ur husb, or family. You’ll lose yourself.

Hv been in your situation dear. I can feel you. Sometimes morning sickness made you really sick. Mood swings, hungry but u cant eat anything, lose appetite, need more attention from your husband, husband sometimes may dont understand wht u feel dear. Everytime i argue with my husband, i always blame the baby. Im not mentally prepare. 😢 thank God He didnt take the baby away from me. Child is a gift from God. Be careful of what u think, what u say during pregnant. Im in my second trimester now, still low appetite. But mood is gettin better. Be strong sis and always happy. Try to talk to your partner nicely, what u feel.
Baca lagiBe strong mommy. Dont give up. Always be happy even you morning sickness 😊. Cayok2.