Hye.. ?
Im new here, im 35w now..any suggestion what preparation should i do? #nervousmommy

Hi mommy. Don't buy too many newborn clothes, it will be worn out in few weeks. Diapers too. Just get 1 bag of newborn diapers only. Muslin blanket to wrap the baby. My baby doesn't wear any mittens during confinement but if you're planning to, don't buy too many as you have to take it off after 2/3 months. Just make sure to clip his/her nails often. 😊
Baca lagiBesides baby's thing .. u also need to prepare your mental dear .. be strong and always positive thinking . When time is arrive for u to give birth always be strong and keep thinking want to see the baby wants the baby alive want the baby save .. it will effectively for your delivery .. huhu good luck
Baca lagiprepare mentally and physically . when the time arrive , u will be more ready . get enough rest if possible. hosp bag for baby & mommy should be prepared already . as it will be anytime soon to deliver. last but not least , all the essential for baby such as clothes , swaddle , napkin , diapers.. etc also should be all ready at home . as well as confinement stuff for mommy . may ease be with all of us, expecting parents 🤗
Baca lagiesok sy 35 week dah. first sy beli barang baby dulu sbb sebelum ni masa anak first 1 pun sy tidak tahu mau beli apa. jadi dah ada pglman ni saya beli brang baby dulu baru barang sy berpantang. excited tu mmg ada tapi bercampur dgn takut. tapi fikir positive selalu fikir yg baik². semoga kita semua dipermudahkan bersalin.
Baca lagiI hope you have all your essentials like a crib, diapers, swaddles, newborn clothes, a bathtub for the baby and your necessary breast pump and accessories. Besides that, you can buy along the way.
same 35w 3d..sya dh prepare beg untk brsalin , brg2 baby + mmy , tiap kli baring kat katil slalu rsa baby tekan2 kat area bwah prut, kadang klau prgi jamban pun terasa dye menekan kat bhagian bwah ( vagina ) , maybe x lma lgi , nervous jgak sbb first baby 😬 goodluck yall ❤️
Klau boleh sedia kan seluar dalam 2 helai.. kain batik 1helai dan kain sarung 1 helai baju t-shirt 2helai.. selalu kt hospital sy bersalin.. sy bgi nurse Pampers baju seluar bby x payah.. dan kain balut dia..tu je
same here. 🤗. nervous sampai xtahu nk prepare ape dulu. pdhl ni 2nd baby. makin hari makin takut pulak.
yea second baby lg nervous dari first baby terasa sbb symptom lain dan tambahan pula, dah pernah terasa sakit labour..skrg rasa lg takut lepas gap, but one thing tak sabar pulak nak tgk baby keluar cepat
sama saya pun 35 wk -brg bby -bilik bby -stndby beg hospital tok mmy@bby -set pantang - book tukang urut -brg mmy lps besalin -
Baca lagiHospital bag - mommy stuff, baby stuff Confinement arrangement Spending time with husband Sleep as much as you can 😉
Baca lagi
FA’s mommy