Hi Mommies ?
I'm new here. First pregnancy, first baby ? 7 weeks 2 days.

congrates mommies..😘✌..me too... first pregnancy n first baby😆😍😍😆✌... now i'm 27weeks 1 days ..hope Allah ease evrythng...aamiin....t8 care sis 😘
congrateszz dear. welcome to the club. tke a good care your baby 🥰🥰🥰🥰
ok 😘 the best feeling ever 😍😍
haii congrats and takecare😘 me too first baby now 9 weeks 3 day❤
Congrats dear! Im 7w1d today, first pregnancy! ❤️
congrats mommy. first pregnancy n first baby. same here 😍
Hai deq...congratulations.. Welcome to mommy world.. 😘 😘 😘
hehe 🤭 thank you! new journey begin now 😆
congrats mommy to be. im 15weeks 4days 😍 first pregnancy
hi mommy. congrats 💕 and wish u healthy always with cuties baby
tq 😘
Hai..me 22 week.. first baby juga hehe.. excited kan ?
hye. im also 1st pregnancy, 1st baby. now 13 weeks 2 days.
thanks anne
i'm da simple person ✌