dark areas everywhere
hi im in my 2nd trimester now and im feeling so insecure right now. my breasts are getting darker( the side of it) my neck are getting darker and my armpit too. i tried the palmsr cocoa lotion cream but it is still there...

Don't be! Embrace the beauty of your body as you're doing something so meaningful now by creating a human being inside you! Enjoy your pregnancy and don't think so much. Go have a date night with your hubby and enjoy the fullest out of it!
Hehe. It’s pretty normal due to hormonal changes. But don’t worry, it’ll go away once you deliver...How fast it’ll go away is another question though. I’m 8 months pp and it hasn’t completely gone away yet 😅
My armpits are getting darker too :( well I'm sure they will lighten up after pregnancy so dont worry too much
Its normal.. dont worry.. after giving birth it will fade and back to normal
yes the sides of my breasts gets darker too so does my armpits.
It will go away slowly after deliver baby. No worry
Don’t worry it’ll slowly go away and fade!
its normal. it goes away after you deliver
Me too, even tummy oso darker than before
Same goes to me! I guess its normal