I'm in my 13th week of pregnancy, and my face is full of pimples and pimples scars. Before I'm pregnant, my facial skin is soft and hardly a pimple will land on it. Do other mommies-to-be experiencing the same? Will my soft and smooth skin comes back?
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Dont worry same things happen to me
Saya pn sama byk tumbuh kt atea hidung..
i got huge mother of pimple i ever have
Sama lahhh...😅😅😅😅
VIP Member
sy naik jerawat kt punggung...aduuu...
VIP Member
Lpas beranak nnt hlg la pimple awak tu
saya pun tp kat dahi je jerawat pasir
VIP Member
me three.. damn.. breakout penuh scar
sya dri muka smpai ke bdan😅
Sama.. sy pun mcm tu jg..
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