How To Produce More Milk
Hi all, I'm having issue as both of my breast didn't produce the same amount of milk. Anyone can advise how to solve this?

susu produce actually ikut demand . maybe sebelah baby selalu hisap . macam saya pun breast sebelah kecil je sebab amount susu tak banyak sebab baby memang hisap sebelah kanan sahaja .
Try bagi baby hisap breast yg kurang susu tu dgn lebih kerap..lama2 susu akn produce amount yg lebih kurang sama both side
Haha OK thanks ya sis
Mine doesn’t too. Try getting your baby to latch and drink more from the boob that produces less. Good luck!
boleh baca dekat sini
Baca lagiThanks ya
susu kurma utk milk booster.. cube try.. 😘
Saya ada ambik 2 milk booster and also makan kurma raw jugak.. Punya la nak banyak kan susu.. Haha
kalau saya dulu saya minum horlick. meriah juga.
more direct feeding, drink lots of water
Oh ada lactation consultant ka? Tatau pulK.. Ok ok I'll try to find one.. Thanks
jaga pemakanan ibu
cuba makan roti jagung
Owh 1st time dgr ni, nk try jgalah.. Tq ya
Madre of Hayfa Marissa