9 Replies

I prefer ear thermometer as I find it more accurate than infrared. For babies, you can consider getting Braun IRT6520 Thermoscan as it can be used for infants. On top of that, it has a night light which makes temperature taking at night much easier (don't need to turn on light and wake baby up). If you have time, you can consider buying the thermometer online as it can be much cheaper from carousel or q0010, but of course you will need to find a reputable seller with good positive ratings.

Hello SinYi. I use the ear thermometer. Paediatricians also seem to use that. Infantcare uses the infrared one, but they tell me it is not so accurate. Just fyi, I bought insurance for my baby and free gift is the Braun Ear thermometer :)

I have an ear termometer but my lo refused to use it. Even when the pediatric tries is the same. He will struggle all the way. So I guess the main thing is your lo must feel comfortable with the thermometer you choose.

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I preferred an ear thermometer. Even in childcare, the teachers will scan with the infrared one. Kids with slightly higher temperature, the teachers will use an ear thermometer to have a more accurate reading.

For babies actually arm thermometer is the most accurate

Ear thermometer gives you the most reliable reading.

Ear one it is better :) personally i think its best

thanks all! (:

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