Announcement of your pregnancy!
Hi, I’m just curious when did you (awesome mum to be or mum) announce the exciting news to parents, siblings or close friends?

Told my family and bffs immediately after tested positive. Told my immediate boss after my first gynae check — it helped a lot as I was given the green light to wfh during the first trimester when I was feeling worst from the morning sickness. Waited till all scans like NIPT and week 20 detailed scan to be normal before announcing on social media.
Read moreI told my family and close friends when we found about my pregnancy (week 4-5). Other not so close friends I posted about my pregnancy on Instagram when I reached about 20 weeks. Work wise, I only told my manager at about 16 weeks. I didn’t officially inform any of my colleagues but they guessed it cos my tummy was getting bigger 🤣
Read moretold my family members once confirmed pregnancy. for me, i also told 1 or 2 close colleagues, cause I'll need their help (esp heavy items etc) all other people i wait for them to find out 😂 some didn realise till i gave birth (baby photos on ig)
Funny thing, I placed my ultrasound on the fridge at home & weirdly no one asked. I told my mom probably few days/a week after finding out I'm pregnant. Close friends is when I'm almost 2nd mth.
i just simply texted them and show them the pregnancy kit as i couldnt believe it myself as well🤣 was quite in denial thinking that the kit might be wrong
Fmily is okay to tell them after you confirmed pregnancy from your gynae. However, friend and others better to tell them after week 12.
anytime is okay, don't think too much abt it, I told my parents and best friend as soon as I knew at 8weeks
Told my teammates (we r close) as well as my sis once i knew at wk 8.