5 Replies

When the topic of breastfeeding comes up, the attention is almost always focus on the benefits it brings about. However, there are some facts that are often overlooked. Of which, the main one would be that breastfeeding could in fact be an excruciating process for the mother. It is a natural response then, from the mother to feel resentment, and worst, a sense of failure and guilt. Hence, while it could potentially be a bonding experience, it could also well become a factor that pushes the mother from the baby. In such cases, it may be better for the mother to stop and spend more time on cuddling and showering her baby with warmth and love. Here is a list of 15 things often not mentioned about breastfeeding: http://www.scarymommy.com/15-things-they-dont-tell-you-about-breastfeeding/ Also, you can consider joining this nonprofit support group: http://breastfeeding.org.sg/ They offer counseling, workshops and talks. More importantly, you get to meet others who may be facing the same or different issues with breastfeeding. You are definitely not alone. Take care!

Of course u are not alone. I used to hate breastfeeding too. Even sometimes I lament about it. Haha. It's so painful and yet can't even go anywhere to get a breather. Seems like just breastfed and need to breastfeed again?!?! Trust me it gets better with time. Both baby and yourself are learning to get the hang of it. Baby learns to suckle better and more efficiently as he gets older hence shorter nursing sessions. They will also get less painful because of the shorter nursings, baby latches better and also your nipples get used to the frequent abrasion. If you feel like it's taking a toll on you perhaps you can pump out your milk and let someone else do the feeding while you get some sanity. Go for a walk or go window shopping it'll help a little. Or just ask your hubby to cuddle you for a little to make you feel better.

I struggled with breastfeeding and I couldn't produce enough yield even though I ate all the milk boosting food. It was worse because my son also refused to latch on and each feeding sessions always ended us both in tears and frustrated. I soon got into post natal depression and was in a deep funk. It wasn't until when my sister stepped in and helped me out did I finally realized for the sake of both my son and myself, I had to stop breastfeeding. It wasn't worth it. I didn't want to feel moody and crappy because I couldn't breastfeed my son. And that was how we started on formula. Never once looked back, never once regretted.

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