19 Replies

Same for me. I had an ectopic so I was very scared when I went in for scan at 6 weeks. 2 weeks later, baby had a heartbeat and doing well. Now, 37weeks4days. Waiting for her any day now! Sending prayers your way too! Baby is gonna be fine!

Now, my baby is 4 months and thriving!

Don't worry so much.. I had the same scenario with you when I had my first baby.. Did the scan at around week 5/6 and can only see sac hence was told to come back 2 weeks later. Which I did and everything turns out good!

I went for mine today and its the same experience as you :) Doctor also mentioned its still early as your LMP is not accurate! Stay positive! 2 weeks later we will see our baby! 😘

It’s normal, mine too! It got me very worried, but I went back again everything shows well. Meanwhile you just chill and take care of yourself. Congratulations!

Yes sis,,,we are the same case..im hoping ALLAH..it will help us..i hope my second scan..my baby will show it..ameen...

Thanks everyone! Im relieved now hearing so many of the similar situation. I shall wait for the next scan patiently.

Hi, the same thing happened to me. In e end, was it a just a false alarm for u? I have to wait for another 2 weeks plus for another scan... long wait....... :'(

VIP Member

Not to worry as you will be able to see the baby with heartbeat detected from 8 weeks onwards.

Super Mum

Should be able to see during week 7. I went for my 1st scan during week 7 and it's visible.

VIP Member

Normally only can see sac during 6 weeks scan. That was mine during around 6 weeks too.

Hi...was this 6 week scan based on sac size or your LMP. I am also going through the torture.

small like a little sesame seed.. dont worry mummy wait for next few weeks scan!!😻

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