Unwanted abortion

I'm 6 months pregnant but I am not married. My partner is still in the picture and I'm not depending on my parents to handle my medical bills or pregnancy care. My parents have been asking me to abort. Right now, they are waiting for my response whether i want to abort through induce labour at 6 months pregnant. Is that even allowed? Everytime I reject the idea of abortion, they will get very angry. How do I reject this idea nicely? I really want this baby.

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I think your parents are worried how tiring it will be for you. It’s your life your choice, I feel you need to speak to them and ask for their support. Be firm that it’s a decision you want to make and you will be responsible for it. If they could help you along the journey it will be a plus.

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Abortion is illegal after 24wks pregnancy unless the mother's life is in danger. Firstly you won't be able to find a doctor to do it at all so its not a viable option anyway. Hope your parents' attitudes will thaw out eventually. All the best to you and your little one on the way.

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Omg.. the baby movement already starts I guess.. pls think twice before do anything . I cant imagine for the pain of tht baby .. if u can’t means just give for adoption.. in this condition danger for u n ur baby as well .. so better to think before do anything..

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Understand what you mean. Hang in there and do be ready its not easy raising a child yourself when its already pretty tough for us who have a partner. If you are financially well then I think you should keep your baby. Dont regret your decision! All the best!

Abortion has to be done before 24 wks. You have carried the child for 6 months and I’m sure you feel an attachment to it. I hope you can convince your parents otherwise as the child is innocent and deserve a loving home. If not you can consider adoption.

My parents were against my pregnancy. They kept pushing me to abort till i couldn’t anymore. I am now 37 weeks. Tho there were lots of obstacles i had to face & is still facing, i never regretted once keeping this child. ❤️

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It is your choice. If it is a financial concern, I'd present a concrete 5 year plan to my parents to show them the determination and adequate resources that I will be channelling to fund the childcare

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Tell them the baby belongs to u and partner. Only u both have the right to decide to keep the baby. All the more since u are not relying on ur parents for medical bill and pregnancy care.

Please do not abort. My husband and I are willing to adopt. It's an innocent life. Please let me know if you are willing to let others adopt.


Sorry but pardon me, aborting in ur 6th month doesn't seems legalised if i am not wrong. Trying talking to your parents again. They might reconsider their decision. Wish u all the best