Brown Discharge

I’m just 5w 5d and constantly having whitish yellowish discharge since i knew i was pregnant (but no smell). But today i saw brownish discharge that usually appears before my heavy period. I dont have cramps but backache most nights.. Is the discharge normal? I’m afraid maybe because im too active thats why? Just curious🥲

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sy pn sama mcm sis..die dtg sikit je..skg da masuk xde sakit cramp or sakit xtau nk g cek ke x..sbb rs mcm darah penempelan..

6d ago

kn...melainkan ade darah merah y banyakk br g cek doc...buat ms skg sy bia kn aje..xnk byk pikir..nt stress..sian baby..n insyaallah baby baik2 saje...if nk lebih kepastian better g jumpe doc..