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Mommy of 1 adventurous junior
Brown Discharge
I’m just 5w 5d and constantly having whitish yellowish discharge since i knew i was pregnant (but no smell). But today i saw brownish discharge that usually appears before my heavy period. I dont have cramps but backache most nights.. Is the discharge normal? I’m afraid maybe because im too active thats why? Just curious🥲
Susu Bau Hanyir
Hi, kenapa bila sy simpan susu badan dalam freezer (2 door fridge) and bila panaskan nak bagi baby minum, bau and rasa dia macam hanyir? Sy ada googled about lipase enzime tu but adakah dia akan effect baby? Baby akan sakit perut tak bila minum? Sy ada bagi skali tapi seemed like dia ok je but sy kesian dia minum susu tu mcm tak sedap ?