Annoying Mothers
Im 37weeks 4days pregnant, and baby is in breech position. Had to go for c sect, told my colleagues about it they kept telling me not to go for c sect because its so expensive ?do i look like i have a choice? Erm no? Tried to do so many things to make baby turn still no results. If god wants me to do c-sect then i have no choice everything has been write for me. So annoyed with h those mothers telling me dont go for c sect because of expensive. Expensive or not my baby is my priority. aiyoooo annoying leh

expensive or not depends on your doctor's fee. hospital fee you can check from their estimation. c-sect not necessary more expensive than normal, I had a friend who had normal delivery (I was c-sect bcos of breech also), her bill is slightly higher than me because she need to be induced and had assisted delivery (vacuum), I assumed it's the doctor's bill bcos we opt for the same number of bedded room. So you better clear with the clinic on how much your gynae will charge you for each type of delivery.
Read moreabout 4.5 years ago I had a normal delivery, it cost me 9k, while my friend had elective c-sect, only cost her ard 8k, bcos I was 31 hours in delivery ward, we deliver in the same hospital btw. For normal delivery you can expect to get cheaper if ur delivery is very fast, but if it's not it can be higher than c-sect.
Read moreTry to talk to your baby to be head down.. But u the time your c section date is near then no choice you will have to c section.. But it not about money it about baby and mother to be save ya. Good luck.. Wish your baby will be good to head down. So that u may have a natural birth.. Jia you
Ignore them.. U just go ahead with the c-sect. I had prolonged labour and end up emergency c-sect.. At times my colleagues who are mothers will say. U didn't give birth. Ur baby was taken out. See how insensitive they are.
How rude are they. You are the one having baby. Not them! Who are they to comment on how you should or should not do. No mothers should put down other mothers on their parenting skills! Best of luck to you!! Rest more
Your baby. Your body. Your money. Everyone is bound to have their own opinion. Just make the best decision based on your own situation because no one else would know better
Exactly what im facing now. We dont have a choice as our babies wont turn. Cant possibly blame God right? Just as long baby is safe n healthy. Thats all that matters.
Remove these toxic people from your life. How your baby comes into the world doesnt determine how real or good a mother you are.
Yes! Totally feel you especially I have a mil who she herself went for c sec for both child keep saying these stuff to me.
Just ignore them. Most important is u and ur baby safety. Ur gynae will advise u the most suitable and best plan for you.