
I'll be having my ogtt later so im fasting now. as for me, i get hungry easily even few minutes of eating. i ate a small meal 45mins before 12am jn and finished my food by 1146pm. right before 12am, im still hungry. even now. idk how to endure this hungry feeling till god knows when i can even eat ? i still have to travel to the hosp alone by public (hubs working early morning so he'll meet me there at the later time) and will be starving (i am already now). haiss i dont eat much before pregnancy but now ive been eating. i cant sleep now bc of this hunger hais

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Well, you are allowed to take sips of water. Kill time by walking around to distract your mind from food or eating. Its just for a few hrs, you can do it.

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If it's a check up that requires fasting, there's nothing much you can do aBout it. Just have a good well balanced meal after your appt. Take care!