Maternity Insurance
Hi, I wanted to buy the maternity insurance so I have approach my agent. Prior to that, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts and have make known to my agent on the claims regarding the cysts surgery. So during the session with my agent, she insist I declared that I have ovarian cysts (even my gynae told me this have nothing to do with my pregnancy and my kind of cysts are unlikely to cause complication during delivery). So to apply for this maternity insurance, I need to submit together with my diagnostic report of my ovarian cysts. To make matter worst, my agent was unsure whether I can be insured under maternity insurance. Today, my agent inform me that the company requires me to further furnish, 1) Harmony Test/Oscar Test and 2) week 20 detailed report (I have to bear all the cost). I am so furious! I mean what has my ovarian cysts have to do with the abnormalities of my baby?! I am so angry and decided to withdraw my application. Any mummies with ovarian cysts but managed to get insured under maternity insurance? What maternity insurance (other than GE) do you recommend?

i know how frustrating this can be. agent keep telling me their past records clients weren't charged for getting their gynaes to fill in any questionnaire or whatsoever. but mine do. anyhow, I submitted for AIA and was rejected due to a slight increase in fibroid size. previous size and current size is already made known to the underwriter but the underwriter insisted I get my gynae to fill in questionnaire as a form of acknowledgement or whatever. paid $100++ for it and got rejected. though mentioned they'll fully reimburse me with the original hardcopy of invoice from gynae for the charge, to date haven't had any reimbursement yet. point to note that: my gynae even indicated clearly on the questionnaire that this fibroid will not be of any impact or cause any complications to my pregnancy. infact, will either shrink or disappear after delivery. I am now pending prudential's approval. however if still rejected, we will not proceed with others and just wait for after baby's delivery. our priority was focusing on life + CI for bb. not much at all about maternity side. and AIA/prudential has this bundle that we need not undergo underwriting once BB is born and the policy can be transferred.
Read moreAlmost same case with mine. I had a cyst removal surgery last year and was declared during my application for pregnancy complications, they asked me to wait for about 6 months after my surgery. I waited. They required me to have my Pap smear to see that I’m okay already which I did and other paper results from my previous surgery and pregnancy checkups. Me and my husband was so angry that after all the waiting, submitting all the requirements they asked they still rejected my application for this pregnancy complications insurance. And the most annoying part is our agent doesn’t even say sorry. I mean he let us waited and assume that we can get that insurance which we didn’t. I told our agent that I was frustrated and not happy because of that, he only said “Oh I understand your situations, but still we can fight for it”, he keeps on saying this. But and the end nothing. He keeps on chasing us to sign other insurance instead. Always ask for zoom to explain something which he can do via call or message but all the things he said still the same.😤
Read moreI don't have ovarian cyst but had similar annoying encounter when I initially wanted to take GE maternity insurance. Just because I declared my asthma and G6PD deficiency. Anw for me I alr went for NIPT test voluntarily before deciding on the insurance but it takes so long for GE to approve. And when I was informed tt I cld go ahead with the insurance, my agent informed tt the premium will be much higher due to my condition, which honestly also do not really affect my pregnancy. I even had a doctor's note on it. Eventually I decided to go with AIA instead. I don't even need to submit any extra docs and it was approved a week later! I thought GE wld be easier since I alr hve insurance with them but turns out so troublesome -.-
Read moreApplication for maternity insurance is quite strict as it covers mummy and baby. Not only baby. So it’s better to declare everything and be transparent about your health status. The Oscar test and week 20 detailed report is a common report that’s required by insurer. When you go for the checkup, you can just ask the doctor for the report. There isn’t any additional cost incur - but depends on the gynae/hospital. You may want to try applying from NTUC income cause I just bought mine there.
Read moreHi, My wife has an ovarian cyst removal in June 2019. We bought maternity insurance with AIA. Same thing, they asked us to submit all the scan report you have mentioned plus the discharge report for the cyst operation and also a questionnaire for gynae to fill. Application is accepted with an loading of $200+. I think is better to declare as per whatever they asked for, better than having to pay for premium and have a dispute with the insurance company later.
Read morenot sure why I haven't seen much ppl buying from prudential. I just got mine from prudential about 1 month back. everything was pretty quick and fussfree. the policy went through about 1-2 weeks after signing (which was pretty fast imo). I even had subchorionic bleeding during my first trimester, but i wasn't told that my premium will be increased or coverage will be reduced.
Read moreMummy, pls stay happy. You can try Aviva. I have my case GMD i wanted to buy maternity insurance under P but was unsucessfully. But agent in A was helpful try to submit but not all are cover but still protect me and baby.
I'm intending to get income. Have yet to apply. I have a GE agent who is very good. usually she try to help you. if you're still keen to get GE I can pass u her no. If not maybe try income one. It looks like it has more coverage.
Hi, Thanks for sharing! My GE agent is someone whom I know quite long ago, so would like to stick it. It is just so frustrating to wait for GE to approve my application as they need my week 20 report.
I do understand you. I haven't that experience . so i don't know about that. but I am sharing below article with you. you can find some info on it .
Thank you for the link, I am deciding either AXA or Manulife!
I’ve had a miscarriage before and just had to get a doctor’s note that it does not affect current pregnancy and it got approved! I got PruMum :) hope it helps!