Attention all expecting mothers 🤰 Are you experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions?

Are you experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions during your pregnancy journey? Fret not, join me, Dr. Fairuz or an exciting and informative Q&A session. 📲 📢 Topic: Coping with Emotional Changes During Pregnancy 🤰 📅 Date: Wednesday, 14th June I understand the unique emotional challenges that pregnancy can bring. During this Q&A session, we'll delve into the intricacies of emotional well-being, stress management, and self-care during pregnancy. I’ll share some effective strategies, practical tips, and empowering insights to help you navigate these pregnancy changes. 💖✨ Leave your burning questions and concerns below this post, and I'll address them during the Q&A. 🗣️💬 #advicepls #pleasehelp #bantusharing

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How can spouse or members of the family best support a pregnant woman who is experiencing emotional changes?

11mo ago

Spouse and family members around the woman must first realize and be educated about the emotional changes she goes through. It would be good if they are given resources to read, such as on theAsianparent, so that they know the woman is going through a lot of body changes and might need a lot of rest, and positive support from them. They might have to takeover some over of the housework, childcare and give the woman some time for her to recover. Acknowledging what she is going through is also important. Being present and available to listen to what she says is also essential.

Are there any specific activities or exercises that can help alleviate stress or anxiety during pregnancy?

11mo ago

Light to moderate exercise does help to alleviate mood changes during pregnancy. Try a walk, yoga or swimming, whatever you are used to doing before pregnancy. However, avoid strenuous activity. Your body will tell you what activity is too much for you.

Can emotional changes during pregnancy have any long-term effects on a woman's mental health postpartum?

11mo ago

Minor emotional changes do not usually have long term effects. However, if the symptoms are enough to be diagnosed as an anxiety or depressive episode then there is a possibility of further episodes later in life.

How can women differentiate between normal emotional changes during pregnancy and signs of depression?

11mo ago

Signs of depression include feeling low persistently no matter the situation, or not enjoying what we used to, sleep difficulties, feeling tired, negative thoughts such as worthlessness, guilt and hopelessness, having thoughts of death, poor concentration, agitated or slowed down thinking and moving as well as changes in appetite. This is a constellation of symptoms which persist for at least two weeks. If anyone experiences these symptoms then it is best to meet a medical practitioner for advice and treatment.

Are there any specific factors or hormones that contribute to emotional changes during pregnancy?

11mo ago

The hormones involved during pregnancy are oestrogen and progesterone. The body is working hard developing the baby in the womb so the brain will also be affected by the hormones. There can be mood swings, feeling tearful or easily irritated.

are there any self control or behave emotion to the link? to understand better to cope it

11mo ago,experience%20them%20throughout%20their%20pregnancy.

What are some coping techniques that women can use to manage their emotional well-being?

11mo ago

Hi Anonymous, it really goes back to the individual person what they found that really helped their emotions. It's good to have some me time, and do the things we like, usually involving sensory experiences, like baking, gardening, a bath or some light exercise. A chat with a good friend or listening to favorite music is also good for mental health.

Why am I so sensitive during pregnancy? I get angry all the time

11mo ago

There are higher levels of hormones during pregnancy in order for your body to grow a baby. These hormones affect the brain and can make you easily irritable, tearful or have mood swings. These emotions usually fade away as our bodies adapt to the higher levels of hormones. However, some women persist having these emotions throughout pregnancy.

When do pregnancy emotions start and how long do they last?

11mo ago

They start in week 9 or 10 in the first trimester and can last all the way up to a few weeks post pregnancy which we call postpartum blues. Anything more severe or persistent might be diagnosable as an anxiety or depressive disorder during pregnancy or postpartum.

How do I cope with emotional distress from in laws.

11mo ago

I'm not sure in what way you are distressed with your in laws but it is good to have some boundaries so that we don't trip on each others' toes. Some time away from them would be good if you are living with them, such as when you go to work or have a day out for yourself. You might have to wait until your emotions are in a better condition before facing them again.