I am pregnant with my second baby and in my second trimester. So my girl keeps asking me about my 'tummy fat.' How do I break the news of my pregnancy to her?

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pls prepare her now itself abt the new arrival. talking in simple words like mommy is going to get you a baby brother or sister. keep it positive. help her by using her doll to teach her how to hold...play pretend game using the doll as a baby, like u can say to her...look baby is crying, so let's see why...then chk the doll and say something like oh...she needs a diaper change, and put on a small cloth under the doll or let's put some music on, or let's rock her to sleep....so saying this will create a normalized condition in her mind and u won't have to face issues like insecurity or irritation bcoz all attention goes to the baby. talk to ur husband to show more attention to ur daughter so ur girl doesn't feel ignored.

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