TTC Preggy or not

Am I preggy or not? Please share your journey during your pregnancy. I'm currently 30 days late. Last ng last period ko was on May 19th. I took pt 3x pero negative. Pero my mga nararamdaman nakong symptoms these past few weeks nahihilo ako, lightheaded, diarrhea, acid reflux, bloating, mild back pain, morning sickness like tuwing madaling araw ngsusuka ako then mild cramps sa lower abdomen ko parang ng eexpand sya. Di ko na alam kung buntis ba ako o hindi hehe and chance ko nlng malaman is to visit my OB. We've been ttc a few months ago. I was diagnosed with endometriosis 2 years ago and it was already treated. Happy to hear your stories too! 😊

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Magpablood serum test ka po para malaman mo kung preggy or not.😊