Supplement for mommies

Hi all, i just nak share pasal vitamin ganilia. I ada gastrik even sbelum pregnant, bila dah preggy ni makin menjadi gastrik nye lagi2 masa 1st trimester. Muntah sehari sampai 5 kali, makan je muntah sampai nangis sbb tak larat asal makan je muntah. So, i try consume ganilia but before that i mmg ada google pasal ganilia ni, which this vits sesuai for mommies yg mmg ada gastritis. Alhamdulillah, perut i okay and now my baby dah nak 16 weeks, no more muntah and gastrik angin teruk!! But mommies yg ada gastrik ni still kena jaga timing mkn tau, kalau tak confirm perut masuk angin and muntah2 balik. Hoping that this post will be helpful to mommies yg struggle dgn gastritis❤️

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