2.5 girl doesnt want to eat
i m a working mom. my husband run away. i only have family support. i m just bloody so tired seriously with myself. i dont even have time to rest or sleep. literally sleeps 2 to 3hrs and go to work. lately my child doesnt want to eat at all. she only wants to drink milk. i bring her to PD, doc said its normal for growing process. you know i am just so stressed up that why she dont eat. omg.

I know it is hard and I feel u However what doc says is true It’s a growing up phase When my boy was that age he was really fussy too All he wanted was just plain rice and soup and nothing else I gave him Pediasure as a supplement and I also tried diff ways and diff variety of food. She also feels ur stress and anxiety and that also affects. Try that? Is there anything else ur girl likes? I also experimented with homemade burgers, pasta, ( finely chopped and minced broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, spinach and included that - hidden from sight of course into the burger patty, pasta etc)
Read moreHi mummy, I know how you feel as I've been there two. Remember, this too shall pass. My now 6 year old boy was a super fussy eater when he was a toddler. Now he eats everything and has a great appetite. I too think this is a phase and lots of kids go through this. Ride the wave out by giving things he likes to eat. Biscuits, noodles, even plain rice and supplement with a vitamin if you are worried about nutrition. Hang in there and keep us posted how it goes. Hugs!
Read moreyour toddler is at picky eater stage mommy... doc is right, its normal. suggest you supplement her with vits (e.g. gummy bears vits) u can buy from good pharmacies, maybe also a good stage 3 milk. and please relax when around your 2.5 yo .. I know its tough, but your anxiety will rub on to her and will make her anxious too, so will eat less. ..
Read moreI had the same issue with my younger daughter. The more anxious you are, the worse things will get. Kids are somehow able to sniff your anxiety levels. As Long as she’s gaining weight normally and is meeting her developmental milestones she should be fine.😊 keep introducing healthy foods mummy and be calm. This too shall pass!
Read moreFirst, I really feel your pain. Hang in there as at 2.5 years old, your child still wants you for comfort, as draining as it is for you. Other than milk, is there anything at all your child eats? Rice? Noodles? Bread?