Foods to avoid for healthy pregnancy
I know there are many foods we can still eat or drink during pregnancy (in moderation). What are the absolute NO-NOs?
fruit - watermelon, pineapple drink - Chinese tea, sweet drinks, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol food- crab, raw food, junk food, process food, Chinese spicy food (Sichuan)
Alcohol,cigar and raw foods!! absolutely a NO NO! Just 1 kind of fruit in every meal to moderate the sugar..anything else you can eat - as per my OB's advise
Absolute no nos are alcohol, cigarettes and raw foods. Anything else must be taken in moderation especially sweets, salty and spicy.
No more sweets, spicy and salty. No to carbs, No Fastfoods, no softdrinks and no to with caffaine drinks like (coffee, tea and milkteas)
I also drink coffee 1 cup a day, and normal naman si baby. Okay lang naman daw mag coffee sabi ni OB pero inom madaming water pagtapos.
alcohol, raw food and uncooked cold food all other cooked food including ham, fried food etc all is safe just should eat moderate.
Raw food, alcohol, unpasteurised dairy products, milk and cheeses and certain Chinese herbs like dang gui.
Anything with artificial food, control to eat with sweet, you dont want your baby to get bigger inside your tummy
Spicy and too oily food is a NO NO cuz it will cause heartburn (at least for me).
Foods not cook well like bbq, poached egg, raw meat; too much salty, too much sweet, fatty/oily foods
Dreaming of becoming a parent