May I know how many times u give lo drink gripes water and how many ml if lo is 6 months ?

Baby should drink no more than 2-3 ounces a day or as your pediatrician recommends. You do not want the water to displace the intake of breast milk and/or formula. This link is super helpful! :)
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At 6 months, I gave prune puree to help with constipation instead and it worked well. At 7mo+, I also gave some plain yoghurt. Didn’t need to use any gripe water.
I remembered my mom use to feed 1 tea spoon, once a day to my brother/cousins I didn't feed my lo
I give only when required Secondly, i give 5ml once a day. I mix into their milk
I give 5ml alternate days as it helps my LO for her constipation
1 time per day after bathing and 10-20ml water per day
Never used gripe water, baby just turned a month old
I do not give my lo drink on regular basis actually.
Last time i gave ridwind for colic and 2 times a day