7 Replies

Normally some gynae will check weekly from week 37. But I pushed to week 38 then check as my original gynae was not in singapore during week 37. And bingo, I went into labour on that very day at week 38. My neighbour told me she got hers checked at week 37 and it triggered her labour. So I waited...

Super Mum

They won’t check before you’re full term (37 weeks) unless there’s suspicion of preterm labour or some other strong indication. Thereafter, your gynae may check at every visit, especially if you’re having contractions.

On top of what the others said, know the signs of labour also. My wife water never ownself break and she mistook the early contractions were just usual body aches. Almost there already! You can do this!

Depends on gynae. Some gynae doesnt check for dilation. Mine didnt. And say to come for induction once on edd if baby not out by then.

VIP Member

They only checked mine when i was on my 37th wk.. n weekly after that

VIP Member

Nope unless there are other issues.

usually they dont

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