36th Wks

Hi, I am in my 36th weeks and just had my routine check with gynae today. Gynae told me that my baby is on the bigger side and was shocked that baby gained almost 1kg from last month's check. (baby is approx 3kg now). She advised me to control my diet but problem is, i keep getting hungry. I'm kinda afraid to have snacks now like i usually do and is worried that I might not be able to have normal vaginal birth. Any advices?

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Reduce carbo and sugar intake. Take in more protein and fibre instead. By 37th week the baby is mature enough to be delivered. Ur gynae will make judgement and may advise u to go for inducing labour before baby grows too big to be delivered naturally.

I give birth at 36weeks, 3kg. But around 32weeks during routine check up gynae only told me my LO chubby side but didn't ask me to on diet. Anyway I'm normal birth.

VIP Member

Cut down carbo and sugary stuffs. More Fruits and drink plenty of water. Light exercises; walking or Swimming.

VIP Member

cut down on carbo and sugar intake. try to walk more, 🚶

More healthy snacks. Eat more Dates.

I feel you and im 36weeks too! When to see gynae today, was told baby weight is 3.33kg which is big. So have to cutdown carbon and sugar. But im always hungry 24/7. So worried if i couldn't do normal delivery 😞 have to be on diet for the next few weeks so baby wont grow much