I have received complains about my 2 y.o. boy quite often about his disruptive behaviour in school - during nap time (using his toes to fidget with things), walking ard during lessons, disobeying Teachers (ask him to do 1, he will do 2 instead), etc. The Teachers feedback that they tried to talk to him using soft approach (via my suggestion) and sometimes they will isolate him from his classmates. Interestingly, he has a good review from a teacher about his learning abilities but now the teacher is no longer teaching him. I have tried repeating to him almost daily about respecting, listening and being kind to his Teachers and friends. Giving him daily hugs and reminding him to be a good boy at sch. In general, he's really sweet and well mannered boy, just very very active/playful and not one to conform to the norm like sitting still and listen. I'm not looking to turn him into a obedient robot but I understand certain rules have to be followed in a sch setting. I wish I knew what I can do differently to help my boy. I am thinking of changing school as I feel the current sch is unable to handle my active boy.
Does anyone have similar experience and can recommend a school that can help to nurture my active boy? Any suggestions for tweaking this behaviour? TIA!
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VIP Member
Probably you can try to change school? Since there is ONE teacher who is able to handle him, means its not your boy issue. It could be the teachers who arent able to handle him as they dont have patience.
8y ago
Thank you for your advice. Yes, will definitely be changing sch. The issue is finding one that has patient Teachers to teach my active boy. Pls let me know if you know of any. Thanks!