Hi all I have a 5mth month old girl. She will usually slp at 8pm self soothe however for past 3 weeks she will wakes up mybe 4 times wanting me carry her n pat her. Less than 5mins she doze off put her down an hr later she wakes up n i have to repeat what i do. She's not hungry. I wish i could go on cold turkey but i hav another 1 year daug sleep in w me. Dont want disturb her sleep

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If all this while she has been able to self soothe then she definitely doesn't need your help to fall back to sleep when she wakes up from one of her sleep cycles. Keep it consistent at all times. Sometimes it only takes one time for you to be inconsistent and your baby will learn very quickly and start developing bad sleep habits. Try to get her to bed earlier than 8pm as she definitely is overtired if she's waking up multiple times at night.

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8y ago

No she won't wake up earlier. She's sleep deprived.