Hi all I have a 5mth month old girl. She will usually slp at 8pm self soothe however for past 3 weeks she will wakes up mybe 4 times wanting me carry her n pat her. Less than 5mins she doze off put her down an hr later she wakes up n i have to repeat what i do. She's not hungry. I wish i could go on cold turkey but i hav another 1 year daug sleep in w me. Dont want disturb her sleep

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Growth spurt (calculated from EDD and varies individually) and sleep regression is what may be happening as baby develops and grow cognitively too. It's a phase so just for now do whatever it takes for baby to sleep as it is a phase and then try to return to ur regular routine slowly but surely. There is no need to go cold turkey. U can teach baby to self sooth or give pacifier or tap baby to sleep

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8y ago

Yes munmy pacifier given. I cant tab her to sleep she will scream so i carry her and pat her to slp is that okay? I hope bby wont get used to carry and pat to slp during mid morning