I hate how my husband keep giving LO suck pacifier. I don't agree with this and he is like only pacifier can make him calm and sleep. My LO is only 1 month plus.

Hi there. It is really true that pacifier can calm babies because the suckling action is very soothing for the brain - that's why sometimes hospitals have to resort to pacifier for babies who needs to be limited in their milk intake. Suckling is very soothing. I am for pacifier, having brought up on pacifier and gave my son pacifier. There will not be nipple confusion from pacifier (verified with a LC) and babies are very smart to know the difference. Some babies will outgrow it themselves or next time just don't give and ave a few nights of meltdown. What important now is how intend to put baby to sleep if not giving pacifier? Do u have another soother? Some babies like hugging things, or suck thumb (which is another pacifier too) or some babies like to be rocked (u will be rocking forever and this is even more tiring when baby older). Some babies are tapped to sleep. So is there something else that can work effectively? I think both of u are trying ur best and could be tired so its best to know what else can work if not pacifier. I prefer to have baby fast asleep, easy for the parent putting baby to sleep and everyone gets to rest well
Read moreHahaah i kind of get it what you trying to say. exactly like my husband . He keep putting pacifier whenever baby make a fuss . I scolded him many time too.. i dont mind giving pacifier BUT only aftet you did all the necessary things like try to carry,vhange diaper etc etc.. But yeah man can be quite stubborn at times.. hahs Cheers mommy,!
Read moreI personally fee that at this time, Let your baby choose what he likes or dislike and adapt with it. Afterall he just a baby and if you were to read up babies actually have sucking reflex eversince they’re inside our womb.. so it’s pretty normal if the find comfort in sucking. Don’t worry too much mummy, you got this
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Is there any other way. If you do not agree, maybe you can share with your husband the way baby can sleep. Offer your husband an alternative instead.
Speak to ur hubby about it: sometime, we need to choose our battles wisely.
First Time Mummy-to-be