5 Replies

Hmm my scan at kkh was quite fast just by one person, pressure was a bit strong but after a while got used to it alrdy.. think mine took like 15min, think they need to capture certain things.. Mayb they cannot get what they want so they will schedule again that’s what I heard during my FTS the other time

Mine wasn’t painful tho, just like normal ultrasound at the gynae’s. However mine wasn’t at KKH but at Novena~ Can try drinking sweet/cold drinks, walk around to get baby to move. You probably encountered a rough and impatient sonographer..

She is a chinese lady, im not too sure if she is local or not. but i remembered her name clearly 😪 ya she was very impatience and rough. literally like pressing hard on the tummy.

Mine wasn’t uncomfortable at all, sonographer was patient and nice. Mine was at novena. I rmb reading an old post from here about an impatient KKH one so maybe that’s her ..

isit some China lady? she's v impatient tho, encountered befr too

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