Hi mummies, I did my ivf with Dr chua at kkh and am now pregnant. Been under subsidized scheme and the 2 scans and doc appt was really tiring due to the long waiting time. And i might not see the same doc for each visit. But from my next visit, I was told it would be with Dr chua as his patient at clinic B. Does anyone have experience with Dr chua? The other option I am considering is to change to private as I feel they give more detailed explanation. but I am concerned since I did my ivf with kkh. #advicepls #firstbaby #firsttimemom
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Why My 11 months baby always want her Mumy’s towel for fall sleep ?
I have 11 months twins baby one is boy and another is girl, my girl is fully bottle feeding baby she is doing everything fine, she is active enough but when she need to fall sleep she always cried if she didn’t get her Mumy towel to put on her mouth. She started to do this without notice, I’m totally surprised that she was looking for her Mumy towel to put on her month before she fall sleep even she fall sleep on my lap she want want it upon put her on the bed. Doesn’t it disturb on her development..? Is this bad sign ..? Anyone pls help me to answer ..? I didn’t even gave her pacifier. Suddenly she started to up the towel on her mouth while sleeping. #AskingAsAMom #OAPS #respect_post #everyone
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