I am going through a divorce and 3 days ago my soon to be ex husband took my 20 month old out and didn't return him... This is the first time he has been seperated from me. He and his whole family threatened not to give my son back unless i sign their lawyer agreement letter. I am breastfeeding my baby still and they are ridding him of my milk now. Anyone been through a similar case of soon to be ex husbands taking your children away...? If yes, what did you do?

Hi All, Thank you for all your replies. My baby is being confined at my in laws house and there is no way the police or i can trespass. Im waiting for the court order now and only with that order i am able to retrieve my child. The only thing is the waiting game. I have no idea how long the court order will take to process. And what kills me is not knowing the welfare of my child. My mother in law even told me that My child doesn't need my breastmilk. The police, MSF, family centers are all not able to help at all until i get that order. This incident really makes me question the credibility of our help centers. My child and i are seperated for 12 days now, that itself is mental abuse for my baby. What if the process takes months..? Means I won't get to see him or hear from him for months? There is no immediate enforcement for this in Singapore. Where is humanity really..
Read moreAs for them taking your baby, have you reached out to them through your lawyer? Especially since your baby is still breastfeeding? Like the others suggested here I would record every call, every message and keep a diary of what goes on. They have to think about what's best for your child first and that shouldn't be depriving your child from breastmilk.
Read moreTalk to your lawyer and determine your course of action. While you must be angry and agitated, please don't act in haste. Take an informed decision that helps you in the future as well. As far as law is concerned, it always takes the mother's side
Calling police and keeping message is good but it won't help you get your baby back. My advice is engaged the lawyer.. Sue for interim custody with maintenance. U can diy if you can write a proper letter.. Text me if you need help.
Think you can make a police report and inform your lawyer about it. If possible, hv proof of their conversation or sms or whatsapp is even better. Stay strong and be positive. Our woman's charter will protect us.
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I will make a police report . It will be good if everything is being recorded down now . Keep whatever msgs that they send u . Let the police contact them , meanwhile , get a lawyer and see what can be done
Read moreoh make a police report children under a age that is under mother custody. if you really need a lawyer you can go family court. They are helping the woman that low income or no income. stay strong.
It's very bad done with you. I suggest please consult with a good divorce lawyer as soon as possible. Your son is only 20 months old so he needs to mother milk.
Record EVERYTHING, take screenshots of all your text messages! go make a police report, and talk to your lawyer. take action fast so that he can be caught red-handed.