4 Replies

Make pumping a priority and schedule it into your day. I work 12-hour shifts as a critical care nurse. My job can become very time-consuming at the drop of a hat, but I knew that I wanted to pump every four hours. Just as my patients are given their medications on time, I pump on time every day. I believe that this schedule has ensured my milk supply and has also given me perspective. I know that every time I pump I am providing for my baby and giving her the milk she needs even when I cannot be with her. My co-workers have become accustomed to my schedule and are extremely supportive. I think that is because I spoke honestly and directly about my needs from my first day back to work.

Hi Yvonne I was a low supply mom and supplemented with fm in the start. Before going to work, i pumped 3 hourly and direct latch as much as possible to have at least 3 days supply. Increase the frequency of direct latching and pumping will help. When I got back to work, what I did was consistently 3 hourly pump too to build up my bm stash.

In my experience, the key to pumping was to start at least two weeks before my anticipated return to work. Don't worry about not having enough milk to nurse your daughter with pumping. Mother Nature is a genius! I found it best to pump either immediately after a nursing session or about halfway through the baby's long nap.

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