Transitioning from Breast Milk to Formula: Best Approach for Feeding

I am about to return to work soon & will stop BF. I have a stash of breast milk in the feeezer that will probably only last for half a month at most. Should I alternatle between formula and breastmilk (1 formula, 1 breastmilk, 1 formula, 1 breastmilk and so on throughout the day) or should I use up all my breast milk before fully switching to formula? Any mummies in my situation and what did u do?

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I do breast milk for daytime & formula milk for night time due to convenience. Also dependent on the breast milk stock 🥲 since we need to pump first so formula milk during certain feedings

5mo ago

I do this too! Also cause I think my baby feels fuller after formula feeds and can sleep for longer stretches at night ☺️

suggest to alternate bm and fm ,in case the fm isn't suitable for ur baby and u need some time to find a suitable brand.


transition with mixed feed if possible