At which week did you give birth? Weight of baby
Hello! I am a FTM who is in her third trimester. Was wondering 1) at which week did you guys give birth? 2) what was the weight of your little one at birth? 3) Natural? Elective C section? Emergency C section?
My little bub was born at 37 weeks, 2.765kg, natural birth with epidural.
1st child: 38.5 weeks, natural birth 2nd child: 40 weeks, natural birth
1st birth was 40+4 @ 3.9kg, all natural, no epidural.
1st child; 38w5d, 2.8 , natural. 2nd child; 38w5d, 3.2, natural
1st birth 37 weeks emergency c 2nd birth 37 weeks elective c sec
39 weeks 3.75kg Induced, natural with epidural
39 weeks, 2.5kg , emergency csect after17 hours labour
37 weeks 3.22kg girl 37 weeks 2.95kg girl Both c-sec
37 weeks sharp. 2.9kg Natural. I had a daughter
Read more38 weeks, 2.2kg, induced normal delivery