Encouragement & Positive thoughts

I feel sad coz I express more on d difficulty that happiness. I just finished my 1st tri & on my 14weeks now. Still having headache morning & evening, somestimes vomiting, excessive spiting of saliva, easily gets tired. Sometimes emotional because of the discomfort & feel guilty. I should focus on baby healthy growth but instead keep on complaining.

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I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Know that what you’re feeling is from the pregnancy hormones. The morning sickness, tiredness will pass and you’ll hopefully feel more energised well into your second trimester. Unfortunately you’ll start feeling tired towards the end of your 3rd trimester, but you won’t be pregnant forever, so hang in there okay? I know you feel guilty for not focusing on your baby, but you have to remember you’ll need to take care of yourself first before taking care of your baby. Healthy happy mom = healthy happy baby. So try your very best to nourish yourself with healthy foods, do activities that’ll help increase your endorphins and serotonin (laugh more) and surround yourself with those who can give you good support, cause when the baby comes, you’ll need all the support you can get. I hope this helps :) hang in there ❤️

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3y ago

thank u shikin for encouragement words 💗