Encouragement & Positive thoughts
I feel sad coz I express more on d difficulty that happiness. I just finished my 1st tri & on my 14weeks now. Still having headache morning & evening, somestimes vomiting, excessive spiting of saliva, easily gets tired. Sometimes emotional because of the discomfort & feel guilty. I should focus on baby healthy growth but instead keep on complaining.

Don’t feel guilty every women and every pregnancy is not the same. I’m in my 15weeks now and things did get better. Earlier I keeps burping cos of gas in my stomach sometimes even heartburn too and I did complain about it as well but when I talked to my friends they have more dreadful ones. I even have anxiety and paranoia. All this was due to covid situation and I wasn’t able to get my booster shot so I stayed home throughout my 1st trimester and it doesn’t help in my situation. When the doctor said I have pass my 1st trimester, woo hoo!!, I got my freedom back when and see my counsellor to talk bout my anxiety and paranoia, talk to my friends, goes back to my yoga classes,things did get better for me. So don’t worry too much do go out (double masks hand sanitise). Go See ur friends and family go window shopping or something. Do anything that makes you happy.
Read moreI’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Know that what you’re feeling is from the pregnancy hormones. The morning sickness, tiredness will pass and you’ll hopefully feel more energised well into your second trimester. Unfortunately you’ll start feeling tired towards the end of your 3rd trimester, but you won’t be pregnant forever, so hang in there okay? I know you feel guilty for not focusing on your baby, but you have to remember you’ll need to take care of yourself first before taking care of your baby. Healthy happy mom = healthy happy baby. So try your very best to nourish yourself with healthy foods, do activities that’ll help increase your endorphins and serotonin (laugh more) and surround yourself with those who can give you good support, cause when the baby comes, you’ll need all the support you can get. I hope this helps :) hang in there ❤️
Read morethank u shikin for encouragement words 💗
hey dear, this is my 2nd pregnancy and i had worse symptoms compared to 1st. my morning sickness only really stop around 15/16w. just reached 30w and these few days i started having nausea again. 😅😅😅diff pregnancy diff symptoms i guess we just have to try to hang in there and be positive ok? it is normal to feel upset over it, but dont let it get to you ok! can see that you have gd relationship with your spouse, so just speak to him, and im sure you will feel much better jiayou!
Read morethank u very much Cheryl for sharing & encouragement. much needed ❤
Hi there! I can understand how you feel because I have also struggled with all the symptoms you've mentioned. I rmbr waking one morning feeling so shitty I just cried my heart out. I even told my hub that i didn't sign up for this bad symptoms and i felt guilty for saying that because I am so grateful to have my baby.. As much as we want our baby to be healthy, we are only human! It's okay to voice out the discomfort.. let's hang in there!! jiayou!!
Read morethank u for sharing.
Sorry to hear your experience, but don’t feel guilty at all. Like the other posts said you’re only human and it’s ok to feel down when you are uncomfortable/not feeling yourself. Pregnancy is different for everyone, one of my friends had terrible vomiting and nausea throughout the entire 9months! Hang in there, you’ve past the first trimester so not long to go :)
Read morethank u so much for replying & encouragement
don't feel guilty mummy..u can do this.u will be totally fine..Be positive for your baby..cheers