Trying to get pregnant
My period end on the 7 day. So i try the ovulation strip in the morning till now day 11 and it shows negative. Feel sad . Last month i just randomly try to test the ovulation strip on day 15 it was positive but i did the deed day 16 but i was kinda down that i did not conceive. So now i wana keep track on ovulation day. 5 attempts still negative now. Mummies I might not know can help me so i dun feel sad. Thnx in advance

From my own experience, ovulation is not always on the same day/week. I ovulated quite late (23/25th day) and i totally understand seeing that negative ovulation strip. Usually ovulation is on day 14 +/- for 28 days cycle but you can also ovulate on the 22nd, 23rd etc. keep testing everyday until the day you have your period, and do it every month. Atleast you’ll know if you ovulated or not for that month and whens tentatively your ovulation day. And as soon as you see the positive dark line, do the deed as sperm can live up to 3-5 days in our uterus and by then, perfect time. All the best!
Read moreI was once like you too. Kept testing and testing but it’s always negative until one day I decided not to stress myself by looking at the ovulation strips. My husband and i decided to take CoQ10 supplement. It helps with sperm & egg quality. On top of that, i took folic acid daily as well. We conceived after 2nd bottle of CoQ10. It was a lot of stress for me using the ovulation strips so I’m like forget it. Let nature takes its course. Focus on what i’m putting in my body(eating healthily). Good luck!
Read moreWe are a young couple who TTC for a year (with ovulation tracking which did not help but instead, contributed lots of stress). Feeling dejected, we decided to stop tracking for good. Took folic acid while hub took the men’s supplement (blackmores) and we managed to conceive the next month. So my advise is, don’t track. The more you stress, the more it won’t help. Just go with the flow, not only will you not stress and feel more disappointment, you will enjoy the process more. Goodluck!
Read moreHmm conceiving takes time and try not to be too focused on it as it adds stress on yourself. Tracking ovulation is a good start. If your cycle is 30 days, U can start tracking on day 14 till you get a positive. For me I used clearblue ovulation prediction kit and it’s very accurate (in my opinion). I did the deed when I saw my smiley face and conceived successfully that month! I encourage couples who are trying to conceive to try that though more pricey. :)))
Read moreHi Mummy, Please don’t feel sad at all. Conceiving naturally does take time so please trust your body and be patient. Stress is the biggest enemy of conceiving. So try to be positive, think happy thoughts. Go out with your partner, celebrate this life and things will fall in place :) All the very best to you :)
Read moreHi mummy, please don't stress. Last time I attended the seminar and the doctor is advice us to try every 2-3 days starting from day 9. This is because sometimes we ovulate early/later. i am also trying for second. Hope we have good news soon 💪💪
It can take longer than 14 days sometimes. And I use those cheaper ovulation strip options and test mornings and nights. Sometimes can miss the LH surge based on timing of your test.
we took proxeed for male and female and followed natural family planning to help get pregnant. my Gyane also advise on days to try.
don't give up. I try for 10 months = 10 attempts. and now my baby is 1 Yr old.
Use clue app