can i drink bubble tea when BF,will it make my baby alert ?
can i drink bubble tea when BF,will it make my baby alert ?

Drinking it once in a while should be alright:) different babies react differently to caffeine, so try the bubble tea once, and see if there’s any change in behaviour (irritability, inability to sleep). If there isn’t, then having it once in a while should be fine:)
i drank some bubble tea when breastfeeding, nothing out of the norm happened to baby
I drink too, but maybe once per week. I think everything in moderation is ok.
Lol aye if its caffeinated... actually dunno. But best not to drink too much
No issue. Avoid the high sugar if u have diabetes related issues
I drink bubble tea and coffee too, no problem :)
drinking a little should be ok
Can, I drink one cup per day.
can but dont drink too much
Should be no issue
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