2 Replies

Hi, totally understand your worries. I did my scan at week 21 recently and for mine they mentioned that the nasal bone is short, which is a soft marker for down syndrome. I did the harmony test as well and it's low risk as well. My gynae suggested amniocentesis which is invasive and we went ahead with it just to have a peace of mind. Results came back all good and we are keeping the baby. Perhaps check with your gynae for more advice first and don't stress yourself out too much. All the best to you mummy!

almost 1-2 weeks

Sorry to hear that. From my aunt’s experience, doc told her to terminate pregnancy due to suspected DS from the scan. Luckily she didn’t, her kid is perfectly fine and is already in primary school. Wishing you all the best!! 💪🏻💪🏻

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