Absent of nasal bone
Dear mummies anyone of you was told during 20weeks detail scan that your baby absent of nasal bone? it was one of indicator of downsydrome.

my 2nd baby was told she had short nasal bone hyping up the whole down syndrome thing. She was born healthy with no issues or anything. Maybe u can ask if there is any other abnormality beside absent nasal bone. Most time its just the way asian features are.
yes, same, told baby nasal bone not visible/not obvious at 20 weeks scan. opt not to do any test as me and hubby will keep the baby no matter what. but strong heart ❤️ needed for mummy after listen such things.
my baby born healthy, he is 1mth 5days now.
No. But Asian babies tend to have flat or not so obvious nasal bones and scan may not be 100% accurate. Best to go for harmony test or NIPT to screen for Down syndrome.
Yes, tgt with blood test n age i was considered high risk
Did the gynae ask you to take Oscar or harmony test?
yes. but i opted not to do. i accepted what my baby is. just wanna know if any munmies been in this situation before.
Nope. You can choose to take nipt to check.
Queen bee of 2 troublemaking little heart throb