Not excited at all, always feeling down.
I am currently only 9+ weeks and having a very tough time with my pregnancy. I have been eating only plain crackers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The sight, smell and even the thought of food makes me nausea. I am salivating so much and my mouth always have that weird bitter taste. Each time i try to eat something, i will vomit them which makes me feeling hungry and more nausea . I cannot sleep at night, it is so uncomfortable sleeping on my right and left side. Thus, i sleep on my back which in turn gave me backaches. I am so exhausted, frustrated and stress. I cry all the time. My face is full of acne which makes me feel so ugly. At times I just don't want to get out of bed, I almost hating life itself. I know i should be grateful but it is so hard to feel any positivity when you are so ill and almost depressed. Maybe I expected that pregnancy is going to be enjoyable, as what most women make it seems like but, this is not what i thought it would be. Am i the only one feeling this way? #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp

First trimester is the worst! Most mummies would agree. Only a handful has symptom-less first trimester and they can count themselves fortunate. Even then, having symptoms is actually a positive sign that your progesterone levels are high = baby growing safely and well. I would be worried if I didn’t have any symptoms during first trimester. You have another 3-4 weeks more before first trimester suffering will most likely be alleviated when you enter 2nd trimester. Mine alleviated by week 14/15 just as most mummies. Keep on! On sleeping, you can try alleviating the back aches with extra pillows of different height. It helped me a lot. If it fails, you can ask hubs to gently massage your back or use a roller device. You can also try swimming and stretching - just 5 mins stretching everyday makes a huge difference to the aches for me. Exercise can also create more endorphins so you’ll tend to feel happier. Face wise don’t worry it’s just a phase. Try using tea tree oil from body shop to soothe them? And use sensitive skin pharmacy products they usually work well. Remember to put on sun block too even at home - I had pregnancy melasma but it went away after a diligent skincare routine. Take good care!
Read moreYou are not alone. I’m in 12 weeks now and still having all the symptoms that you mentioned. What we saw on social media are pregnancy seems so easy 🥺 I’ve been vomiting since week 6, peaks at week 9 and 10 where i vomited at least 5 times a day. Even drinking water makes me puke. I don’t have have much appetite, whatever goes into my stomachs ends up in the toilet bowl, and i already lost 3kg. Weird bitter taste in my mouth, being nausea 24/7, bloated after meals, constipated, insomnia because i can’t find e right position to sleep, sleeping on my back gives me backache as well. Have to wake up 2-3 times in the middle of the night to pee and can’t go back to sleep after that. My skin is so so so dry that i’m having eczema on my face and legs. I am grateful for being pregnant but going through pregnancy isn’t easy, i can’t function normally, feel so zombified. I seriously hope i will feel better by week 14. ☹️ Let’s hope by trimester 2 we will all feel better ❤️🩹
Read morei was the same as you!! i was shocked at how much discomfort my first trim would bring. like you i had bad morning sickness, no appetite, and fatigue. on top of that there was a lot of anxiety and paranoia from the covid situation. i was crying a lot, frustrated, just upset and emotional in general. not sure if it’s the hormones tho! things begin to change after my first trim about 13-14 weeks onwards. the morning sickness subsided and i began to accept that i need to get out more. i went out more often (safely!), went for walks, meals. i told myself to be kinder and gentler on myself as my body is going through ALOT. i can’t promise that it’ll get better physically, but mentally you can slowly adjust and try to do things that u like and enjoy and most impt, be gentle with yourself ok? jiayou mommy!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Read moreYou are not alone.. I been through what you experience when I had my LO. I remember there was once I’m so hungry and I cried when I ate my favourite fish ball noodle. Because I know the moment I ate it, few minutes later it will be all in the toilet bowl. I also been in and out of A&E many times due to dehydration and lost 5-6kg during my first trimester. So endure and stay positive! The moment when you start to feel your LO kicking in your tummy.. trust me. you’ll realise that all these feeling down, stress will be all gone and the puking are all worth it just for him/her.
Read morei know how you feel! i am nauseous all day long and always gagging, bloated, indigestion that I feel so stress when people ask me to meet. i eat what i feel like eating, if you have any craving at all just indulge! if not we'll feel like puking more. my mouth has the crazy weird taste too and i hate drinking water.. same with face acnes, i feel embarrassed too that I'm so glad for masks nowadays. am going back for facial soon so I hope it'll help (: do whatever makes you happy! we will get through this together
Read moreoh no I am sorry that you have a bad experience for the first trimester... as our hormones changes during the pregnancy time... so our mood would be affected as well... perhaps you can try to do something that you would feel cheerful or give yourself a short break so to make yourself feel better. do look for someone to share your unhappiness as I believe mama here are willing to be your listening ear too 😉
Read moreU ate not alone mummy . My 1st pregnancy , all i can eat is nestum and plain french baguette from Delifrance ( must be from delifrance) . 2nd pregnancy 1st trimester , i cant eat too . I cant smell freshly cook rice . When entering 2nd tri then it got better . Doesnt matter if u can eat just plain crackers . As long as u have something in ur system . And eat in small portion . Things will get better soon .
Read moreFirst trimester is the most toughest phase , try to eat little by little instead big meals , make as healthy as possible instead of unhealthy , it’s ok if u feel Vomit , still Need some nutrients to baby needed . Just think about baby well being all the blues will away .. spend more time with ur loved ones you may feel better , take good care, rest well.
Read moreeveryone experience pregnancy differently. for my 1st pregnancy, I have morning sickness starting at 6pm sharp for the 1st tri. so no food after that. and I have to sleep by 9pm. but things got better at 2nd tri. so, things might get better for you soon. hang in there. I've heard watermelon helps in morning sickness. not sure if you wanna try. take care.
Read moreI had an uncomfortable 1st tri as well! The only food that I had more appetite for was fast food, bbt and sweet stuff. Soup helped me as well so u can give it a try. I also had hormonal acne that eventually cleared up after about 2 mths. It'll get better soon!
baking my bean in my tum tum