Nausea and vomitting is back at 23 weeks 😭
Thought my nausea is gone after 15/16 weeks... Now the nausea and vomitting is back for revenge. 😭 I've been keeping the nausea at bay by constantly drinking water and eating tiny meals. I drink so much water I fear I overdrink. But just stressing myself a bit, or smelling something bad (e.g going to toilet) will just invoke vomitting. Ironically, constantly drinking water makes me go to the washroom regularly which triggers me more 😭 Even laying on the bed trying to sleep I will feel nauseous. Been taking diclectin but still like this... Sometimes I just feel terrible... Scared that this would continue until birth... What should I do? 😭 #advicepls #pleasehelp #FTM #firstbaby #firsttimemom