Any good "food replacements"? At week 7 to 8

I believe most of us going through first trimester have nausea hitting us really hard. Anyone have suggestions for any form of "meal replacements"? I totally lost my appetite starting a week plus ago and surviving on just Nestum or Milo. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I think the nausea is terrible when we get hungry, I typically snack on Meiji crackers (blue box) every 2hours and it has been a life saver. I couldn't take anything with milk so plain water with some lemon helps to keep the liquids in. Also, axe oil rubbed on my nose to kill the queasy feeling helped to keep the nausea at bay. hope this helps :) you are doing great

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2y ago

yes agree. nausea is worse when hungry or too full. so breaking one meal into a few bites every other hour worked well for me.