I am 14 weeks preganant and have a pet cat, can it be risky for my baby or me? Also how do I care post delivering the baby..

It is perfectly fine to be around cats when you are pregnant, but you do need to be careful about cleaning the litter box. Have someone else do it if possible. Cat feces and soil or sand where cats have been can carry a parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis. If you get it while you are pregnant, or even a few months before you conceive, it can cause serious birth defects such as eye and brain damage. The parasite is transmitted orally, so touching a contaminated hand to mouth can result in infection. If you are the only one who can clean the litter box, do it daily as the parasite doesn't become infectious for one to five days. Use disposable gloves when you change the litter. Throw the glove away after each use and wash your hands well with soap and water afterward. If you are worried you may have been exposed to toxoplasmosis, you can ask your doctor about taking a blood test to find out whether you are immune to the disease. If you have been around cats for a while, you may have already had toxoplasmosis and if that's the case, you have nothing to worry about. You will not get it again and your unborn baby would not be at risk.
Read moreMy friend has 3 cute kitties at home and she has two healthy kids who get along with one another wonderfully so it's perfectly possible to have cats around during pregnancy. According to her, her interaction and relationship with the cats did not change throughout both pregnancies. She fed, played and cuddled with them as per normal. She also commented that the cats seem to know that she was with child and was extra protective and loving around her. The only things she did differently was to assign all kitty-litter cleaning duties to her husband or her pretty much anyone else who is at home haha. The mommy who commented above gave a good explanation of toxoplasmosis, which she was very aware and careful with. She usually gives her kitties a bath every weekend but during her pregnant state, she would get her husband to do it or send them to a groomer because she was not up to dealing with her water-fearing cats running around the bathroom haha.
Read moreThe reason why pregnant ladies are told to avoid getting in contact with cats is because of the risk of contracting Toxoplasmosis, as highlighted by the other ladies. Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can cause birth defects. One may get infected through: - handling soil or cat litter that contains cat feces infected with the parasite - eating undercooked meat from animals infected with the parasite - from uncooked foods that have come in contact with contaminated meat - consuming fruits and vegetables that may have contact with contaminated soil or water which are not cooked, washed, or peeled Therefore, just be more careful. Wear gloves if possible and promptly wash your hands thoroughly before handling any food. For more information on toxoplasmosis and pregnancy, you can refer to this website: http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/toxoplasmosis/gen_info/pregnant.html
Read moreI read that you cannot change cat litter during pregnancy because you will put you and the baby at risk. But if you have no one to help with that, avoid getting any cat litter/feces on you, use thick household gloves when scooping and wash your hands and arms immediately after you throw out the litter.
Read morePets DO NOT hinder your life nor your baby's life. In fact as your child is growing up, your child will learn how to be responsible, caring, loving and kind (just to name a few). Just remember to maintain your child's and your hygiene. ;-)

You can always ask your doctor to check if you have ever been exposed to Toxoplasmosis before. If you have gone though it already, you have your immune response to the infection, so your immune system will protect you and your baby.
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yes.there is big noo for cats