Pets during pregnancy
I have a pet cat. I love it. But now I am pregnant, Is it safe to keep it around me?

Having cats are totally safe and fine especially when you have had them for many years. If you’re worried about toxoplasmosis, just inform your gynae to do a test on that for you for a peace of mind. I personally have 2 cats and has tested negative for toxoplasmosis during my first trimester. I don’t avoid cleaning their litter boxes or touching them at all, as I’m the sole caregiver. Hub has to work so I don’t rely on him. But all is fine and so is my pregnancy journey, I’m now waiting for labour anytime soon. And just fyi getting toxoplasmosis isn’t as simple as u think it is. U will need to ingest fresh cat fecal matter in order to really get infected by it. As long as u practice good hygiene, washing hands before and after every litter box cleaning, it’s more than good enough! So don’t worry mummy!
Read moreIf it is an indoor cat, usually won't post problem if you've had it for sometime. Outdoor cat is more worrying as they may come into contact with rodents. In any case, ask someone else to clear the cat litter. If you really have to do it, make sure you wear mask and gloves when clearing and wash your hands properly after. My cat is almost 18, no way I'm gonna give it up. Just take precautions.
Read moreYes, just ask some1 else to handle the litterbox n poop, avoid till after confinement.. and make sure to wash your hands clean after every contact with kitty.. just to play safe..
You can keep the cat and it is safe for you to be around the cat but get someone else to change the cat’s litter box. The worry here is toxoplasmosis in the cat’s litter box.
if it's your pet cat shouldn't be a problem. agree that someone else should handle the cat litter and have good hand hygiene. avoid letting your cat roam outdoors too!
Yes you can as long as hygiene is maintain and your cat is healthy too.
Sure can, just keep to your usual hygiene regimen
Yes ofc