Anybody feeling some anxiety?

I am at my 7th week. And life has changed alot after the baby. Sometimes i just get this anxiety because life has been quite different I used to be living my life dancing, hanging out with friends, working hard. We just meet each other for not very long and things ascelerated so fast. Although i feel happy with him and we adore each other. But i knew there is gonna be challenges, frustrations. I am not sure when our feelings change and there only left responsibility. Are we still sticking tgt like we do now. We are gonna be official family next month and only a few of my friends knews the existence of him. Lack alone i am pregnant and about to sign my life away. Many are still dwelled in the concept of my last relationship. I never announced my last break up on social media. As i was so done with it. I am still not sure how to break the news to the world or stay low about it. Becsuse never knew what others talks about u behind ur back. We are business partners. My job was very very stressful handling difficult client and i was scared of miscarriage. So I've been staying at home while he took the stressful part from me. Every morning. There is no vomiting but headache and fatigue made me very lazy. And somtimes there is a bit of cramps. Or just weird feeling. The discomforts of my physical body made me very lazy and unproductive especially in the morning. And i will feel guity about it afterwards. Okay there is alot going on in my mind. I just woke up from sleep and i am hungry. Thanks for listening. What are ur thoughts? #advicepls

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