smoking problem
Hi I 6 week pregnant .. I cannot stop smoking .. it's very hard for me to stop ?.. I really need some tips and help..

Hey there i myself is a smoker. But the moment i got to know im pregnant and went for my scan saw my lil ones heart beating i quitted smoking immediately. If i feel like smoking i will be eating fruits or eat some mint candies or do some household chores. My husband smokes and i asked him to keep amd dont leave any cig at home. I also watch videos on how to prepare of having a baby. I always tell myself i dont want anything bad for my lil one. I quitted cold turkey. It was hard cuz of the nicotine addiction but if i can quit u too can. Its not thay difficult sis. Think of how lucky u are for getting pregnant . Til now im.smoke feee.
Read morei understand how u feel gf!!! i smoked when i was pregnant too.. but i cut down from smoking 6sticks/day to MAX 3/day, sometimes not even finishing a whole stick n as my husband smokes too usually when i have the urge I'll just steal a puff or two. OFC i wouldnt encourage!!! smoking is still bad for u n ur baby but if u REALLY cannot stop, just minimize as much as u can!!! people will frown upon this for sure but it was very difficult for me to quit entirely as my ILs n their family r all heavy smokers so u unds ya
Read moreI am a heavy smoker . After knowing that am pregnant, I really tried very hard to stop smoking . All I do is eat spicy sweet and avoid going to smoking places . All you need to think is ‘I can do this . Is for my own good and also my baby’ . Slowly, you can do anything for your babie
You can do it mummy! ❤️ I had the same issue but stopped a week after I found out I had a bun in my oven! It’ll be difficult at first but think about your health and the baby’s health. All these mummies and mummies-to-be are rooting for you!! 🥰
Take one day at a time. Try to cut down to 1 stick at the end of the day then slowly tell yourself that you don't need it. Read all about the harm and risks involved. Eventually I'm sure you'll stop. That's what I did ;) Hope you can do it too!
There’s no “tip”. More than willpower, it’s a state of mind. Think of what you eventually want out of it. Your baby to be born healthily? Sounds very easy said than done but once you condition your mind, it will be better. Take care!
I had the same problem during my first preg. Though I cut down I still continue once or twice a day until 8w. Ended up I suffered a miscarriage. Not sure it's due to smoking or what but as a precaution I stopped smoking ever since.
Train your mind and body bit by bit. Reduce the number of ur usual cigrattes 1 at a time . Mind and Body could go crazy if You stop all of a sudden. Try some alternates which satisfy the craving If you still can’t
Its will over mind, i had been smoking for more than 20 years but stop immediately once tested positive. Not even 1 single stick... you can do it, have trust in yourself.
Oh nooo...You really have to stop immediately, get some help from a doctor or even family/friends etc, find a hobby so that you can shift your focus somewhere else, good luck!